With CRE-sources, you will be able to establish a new kind of internet marketing presence for your business with a CUSTOM WEBSITE or CUSTOM BLOG at the core.
CRE-sources builds exclusively in WordPress, implementing a mobile-friendly responsive web design. Responsive sites provide a great user-experience across many devices and screen sizes. This is an important characteristic, since it is impossible to anticipate all the devices and screen sizes searchers will use to access your site. A site that works well regardless of these variables will provide a better and more consistent user-experience than a separate mobile site that is designed for a specific device and screen size.
Your Custom Website/Blog will serve as a platform to educate and inform your clients and prospects with fresh, compelling and relevant news and information – what we like to refer to as blogtent™. Your program will…
- Dramatically improve your visibility on Google
- Increase your web traffic
- Enhance your connection with consumers and other industry professionals
- Turbo-charge your referral network
The most important aspect of your website—and the most important part of all your optimization efforts—is your content. You can’t get around that fact in the long run, even with the best of SEO tricks. And why would you want to? You can fool the search bots for a while (and less and less with every passing day), but if your content is of low quality, nobody is going to visit your website or share with the world what you’re offering.
Good content, on the other hand, will be eventually be widely read and widely shared by others, often on their own websites, creating excellent link-building opportunities for your website.
Your site’s content must be genuinely informative and written for the niche it’s serving.
If done properly, keeping your blog current can be quite time consuming. We offer blog maintenance packages ranging from $200-$425 per month based on the frequency package you choose. CRE-sources’ monthly maintenance packages will provide you with fresh, frequent and compelling blogtent™ every week with a frequency to match every budget. Topics and posts are customized based on a detailed assessment of your business and your goals.
Take a look at some of the sites we created and manage by clicking on the links below:
- South Florida Sales, Foreclosures and Market Indicators: http://www.reeseonrealestate.com/
- Palm Beach and Treasure Coast CRE: http://www.rrcra.com/
- Broward County CRE Brokerage and Ownership: http://www.levyrealtyadvisorsblog.com
- Digiacomo Group/Miami Airport Warehouses: http://www.miamiairportwarehouses.com/
- Central Florida Real Estate News: http://centralflorida.cre-sources.com/
Commercial Real Estate Affiliated Businesses:
- Everything Cost-Containment: http://www.ecssavesblog.com/
Other Informative Sites:
- News From Around Florida: https://www.floridadaily.com/
- Coconut Grove Waterfront Condos: http://www.coconutgrovewaterfrontcondos.com/
- Business and Personal Accounting: http://www.fastforwardaccounting.net/
Call CRE-sources today at 954.290.3866 to get started!