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CFCAR’s Hallmark Awards Honors Central Florida’s Highest Producing CRE Brokers, Legacies And A CRE Icon

The Annual HALLMARK Awards event, presented by the Central Florida Real Estate Association (CFCREA) in association with the Central Florida Commercial Association of Realtors® (CFCAR). This year’s event included both unique insights into Orlando’s historic Packing District and a generous donation to 4Roots non-profit farming initiative, also located in Packing District.

CFCAR’s HALLMARK Awards Shines Light On Orlando’s Packing District’s Transformation, Recognizes Area’s Highest Commercial Producing Brokers And Honors FSU’s Icon Yvonne Baker

The HALLMARK Awards event is scheduled for July 24th, 2024.

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CRE-sources’ Top 10 Most Popular Stories Of 2023

In honor of the New Year, here are the most popular news headlines of 2023 on CRE-sources.

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Register Today For A CFCAR Webinar: New Laws Affecting Commercial Real Estate

Discussion topics will include the Live Local Act, Real Property Fraud and Foreign Interests In Real Property, presented by Attorney Kathleen Hugo, Attorney Anna Long and Senior Commercial Underwriting Counsel Alan McCall.

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HALLMARK Awards Returns To Downtown Orlando To Recognize Area’s Highest Commercial Producing Brokers And Honor Developer Craig Ustler

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer will participate in the celebration.

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Celebrating Achievement, Excellence, and Innovation: The CFCAR|CFCREA Hallmark Awards Are Underway

Award entries will be accepted until May 24th and and the process for applying for an award has been streamlined this year. Event sponsorships are also available at a variety of levels.

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Carol Tanner Recognized By CCIM Industry Peers

Tanner has dedicated her 17-years as an agent and broker toward advancing Central Florida’s office, medical, industrial and property management sectors — as well making significant improvements toward the value of membership in the Florida CCIM Chapter.

Basis Industrial Closes The Year With $36.5 Million Orlando Acquisition

TerraCap purchased the asset in October 2020 for $24,000,000.